Put the Serve Back in Service


Thursday, April 25, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM (EDT)
28 Seats Remaining
28 Seats Remaining
Category: Professional Improvement Courses

Instructed by:

Candice Manning, Director of Training and Workforce Development 

When is the last time you received exceptional customer service?  How did it make you feel?  Day to day community operations can sometimes make our “wow” factor dwindle. We sometimes forget that we have the opportunity to turn frowns upside down through a dedication to creating exceptional experiences.  


This course will touch on the following:

  • How to maintain a positive attitude despite your personal feelings
  • Bring the “serve” back to service—understanding your customers’ needs
  • Embracing a yes mentality
  • Becoming a “one stop shop”
  • Tips for successful communication


Thank you to our Education Sponsor!

All of MMHA's Educational offerings are eligible for 1 CEC per class hour towards NAA Certifications.

28 Seats Remaining
28 Seats Remaining

About the instructor:

Candice Manning

Candice Manning hosts over 20 years of sales experience working more than 15 years in the Property Management realm.  Leading teams as large as 28 and as small as 6, Candice is passionate about people and team development. Holding a degree in Speech Communication/Broadcasting, she has been able to utilize her background in communication to successfully master the craft of relationship building-reducing vacancies and increasing profit for multiple corporations.  Candice also employs her background to create and facilitate classes that enhance skills and drive results on the community. Simply put, she prides herself on creating classes that encourage a mindset to change behaviors and drive performance. 

For More Information:

April Clements

April Clements