Using EQ to Train Your Brain and Cope During a Crisis - Virtual Learning
Using EQ to Train Your Brain and Cope During Crises
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Life already has stressors ... Take those and compound them with anxiety brought on by the “What in the world just happened?!” unknown of a crisis such as a pandemic, and it can leave you feeling dazed and confused!
An unforeseeable level of worry is suddenly added that can impact your life in unexpected ways. Do you find yourself reacting? Looping negative thoughts? Feeling frustrated? When you are part of a team that must also serve others in a whole new distanced world, proper perspective and self-management techniques can help you better control these potential states of overwhelm, anxiety or depression while creating a more balanced brain. Join Valerie in this Speedy Session to discover the anatomy of anxiety and symptoms that can paralyze you, and how to combat them for enhanced performance. You will learn important strategies grounded in Emotional Intelligence that will help you focus to improve productivity, prevent costly mistakes, and maintain a positive demeanor in the face of adversity.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will:
• Learn 10 Tips to Introduce Calm immediately and over time to kick anxiety to the curb and create more resilience
• Find out the 7 Rules of Reality Making and some powerful changes you can make to turn fear into control of your thoughts and your environment
• Gain access to an online tool that will help you identify your brain type and find supplements to support your brain health for optimal performance
Instructed by: Valerie M. Sargent
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