Importance of a
Medical Certification Form

The Public Service Commission has ordered a hold on all gas/electric service terminations until June 30, 2021 for the following two groups ONLY:

  1. Any customer with a signed Medical Certification Form on file with the utility.
  2. Any customer who has received or been qualified to receive Office of Home Energy assistance since February 15, 2017.

If you present a Public Service Commission Medical Certification Form stating that termination of electric, gas or both will aggravate an existing serious illness or prevent the use of life-support equipment, a utility may not terminate service until June 30, 2021. The utility must have this form on file BEFORE the termination. The form must be signed by a Physician, Certified Nurse Practitioner, or a Physician's Assistant. The Medical Certification Form does not prevent shut-offs indefinitely.  The customer must take steps to resolve the unpaid bills to avoid service termination in the future. Right now all utilities are offering 12-month payment plans and are not requiring a downpayment.

Do not wait to receive a turn-off notice to have a Medical Certification Form on file with the utility company. The Office of People's Counsel encourages you to work with your clients who qualify.  

Click below to download the Medical Certification Form for your use:

Download Medical Certification Form